Thursday, August 7, 2008



Waaaawawawawawaa...kilija manyak sgt ari nie...samapi x sempat nk mkn nasik..(makan bihun jerk..)huhuhu...penat seyh..pepagi lagiks kna siapkan report mama...huhuhu..pastue g bekpes...blk bekpes kak G ngadu sakit paler...(cian dier)..then my boss dtg..tell me about the letter letter then booking flight ticket for hotel..TETIBER...kak G collept plak...satu opis kelam kabut..bawak trn g A&E (kecemasan)..then she's collept again...BP drop down sampai 30!!! kna bawak g scan...then inject MORFIN..she's back to be normal... thanks GOD...cian kak G...she's the one of important got stress lah...tambah2 plak 20 Ogos nie ader seminar plak..dats y lah lagik bz!!!!huhuhu....
So..ari nie opis lagik laa very the bz coz xde org nk handle...then kije yg x dpt nk disettlekan ari nie terpakse laa extend next week..coz tomorrow dah HOLIDAY!!!heheehehe..
Abes kije g melawat kak G kat wad..then otw nk blk umah, trus beli nasik..(mmg dh kebulur coz whole day x jumpe nasik wooooo!!)...sampai umah trus mengadap nasik then lepak dlm blik.... tgk2 blog CENDAWAN INTIM,MUMMYSYA,KAK SENDUK...then update blog nieh...
suddenly my mum panggil coz nk g umah si tembam nie plak...hohohoho...mama gtau yg si tembam nie br lps col tadik..suh aku g umah die..(windu aku laa tueh..hehehe)..okeh la syg..jap g akak sampai okeh...TUNGGUUUUUUUU.....


cendawanintim said...


ngan sepantas kura2 akak datang terjah blog nih!

lorrrrr, naper ngan Kak G tuh?sampai down gitu skali BP dia erk???

akak dah link awak...mekasih3333..

Anonymous said...


sepantas ribut ala-ala twister saya membaca dari mula hingga akhir....

A'ah...sian kak G tu...tekanan kot + stress....

Anw, teruskan berblog tau dear.... i likeee ur blog toooo....mesti baca hari2 jugak....

dear, cn u email me ur handphone no, coz ada sthg nak pass kat at

Tengkiuuuuuu...lots of luvvvvvvvvvv

Lee said...

Hello young lady, I noticed your lovely profile pic at Cendawnintim's blog and never the one to resist a pretty face sibuk over.
Nice blog you have....and you sure one very attractive young lady.
You have a greatweekend and hold thatsmile. Best regards, Lee.

Anonymous said...

salam kenal :)